I just started using the Freshbooks iPhone app, and I have to say, I’m really pleased! I’ve been using Freshbooks for a while now, and it’s definitely had an impact on reminding me to track my time and invoice.

So the app is easy to use, and I found it relatively easy to get a new project set up and to start tracking time. It seems to have all of the same functionality that Freshbooks’ website has: you can prepare and send invoices, create projects, track time, log expenses, etc. I doubt that I’ll use any of the functionalities beyond time tracking, though: for me, the strength of the app is that I can work wherever, and that the tracker doesn’t depend on me not quitting the browser. The timer is also kind of cool-looking, which is fune.

So, if you bill by the hour, you should absolutely check Freshbooks out… and get the app. I think it’s pretty silly that I waited this long.